For interviews, podcasts or research collaborations, contact yaritdor@movingbodyarts.com
"DADDY" A MELODRAMA by Jeremy O.Harris, 2022
Almeida Theatre, London
Yarit credited as - intimacy director & fight director
“Yarit Dor's intimacy direction in these scenes elevates the performances from Claes Bang and Terique Jarrett into something quite potent.”
(**** THE STAGE, JN Benjamin, April 7 2022)

Siena Kelly on intimacy scenes in Domino Day
Big Issue
I have been so lucky, I have worked with so many female writers and directors. I graduated literally the year of the #MeToo movement. I have reaped the benefits of everything all those women were fighting for. I have never, ever had to do any intimate scenes without an intimacy coordinator. I’m eternally grateful to everybody who came before me, who stood up and had to say scary things and endure scary things, so that it can be different for me. I’ve spoken to female actors who are like 20 years older than me and the things that they tell me about the industry – it’s really unbelievable, shocking.

‘Pose’ Star Dyllón Burnside To Lead ‘Black Superhero’ London Play From Danny Lee Wynter
The show is designed by Joanna Scotcher, with costume design by Kinnetia Isidore, lighting design by Ryan Day and sound design by Tingying Dong. Gerrard Martin is movement director and Yarit Dor is the intimacy coordinator. Matthew IIiffe is assistant director with Zoe Thomas-Webb taking on duties as associate costume designer /costume superviser. The full Black Superhero cast is: Ben Allen(Breeders), Burnside; Dominic Holmes (Industry); Ivo, Wynter; Ako Mitchell (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) and Rochenda Sandall (Line of Duty, Small Axe) playing the role of David’s younger sibling.

BBC3’s ‘Mood’: Lara Peake on intimacy coordinators and sex work in the hit new tv show
"We had Yarit Dor who was amazing. She was good at making situations really light and funny so you felt comfortable being vulnerable. I’d never really done intimate scenes before so we used lots of different devices, like a deflated ball that you rocked on. And then, during the orgy scene in episode three, they said it would be easier if we all gave ourselves different names, instead of using our real ones. That’s good because you can separate the scene from reality, and you would “tap in and tap out” through a high-five as you go in, and another as you go out and back into yourself. "

Bectu launches guidance for shooting intimate scenes
Bectu Union
"Bectu Intimacy Coordinators Branch Chair Yarit Dor said:
“Shooting intimacy scenes is a collaborative process bringing together intimacy coordinators, performers, directors, assistant directors, camera crew, costume standbys, sound department, hair and make-up artists, midwife advisors, gender consultants, wellbeing practitioners and more.
“Our aim was to create a guidance that shows the full scope of what it takes to shoot intimate action and the web of safety that includes all departments in the process. We will continue to update it as the practice evolves.”

Intimacy coordinators launch mentoring scheme in drive to diversify profession
The Stage
"Intimacy professionals Yarit Dor and Enric Ortuno, who together run the choreography organisation Moving Body Arts, have devised a mentoring scheme to improve diversity in the intimacy coordination profession"

Bringing Consent To Ballet One Intimacy Workshop At A Time
The New York Times
"Other intimacy directors hired for dance productions, like Yarit Dor, Sarah Lozoff and Anisa Tejpar, were professional dancers who started doing intimacy work while working in theater and film. In addition to consent and boundary practice, they advise about modesty garment options when partial nudity is involved. They also institute regular check-ins with partners and closure rituals at the end of the day; they remain on call if performers need to talk."

Arts Ed hires Yarit Dor to help create an intimacy module taught during the first two years of their BA Acting and first term of their MA Course.
The Stage
"From September (2021), BA acting students will be given intimacy training for stage and screen as part of a new course developed with intimacy coordinator and fight director Yarit Dor... the course will include practical intimacy training as well as classes exploring consent and permission, and will be delivered alongside existing combat training, also taught by Dor."

Playwright Cordelia Lynn on her imminent premiere at the Donmar Warehouse
The Arts Desk
"I've particularly enjoyed working with a movement director, Yarit Dor: a new experience for me. In our first weeks we did a lot of script and table work, uncovering the characters and the themes and all the little echoes in the play and then did movement in the afternoons. The physical games played with between Yarit and our three actors, Tom, Abbie and Richard, showed me the impulses that lie beneath text in a new and profound way.."

Yarit Dor: ‘I don’t like to be boxed in – I don’t want to be just a fight director’
The Stage
"Dor is both fight and intimacy director, marking the first time a creative has been dual-credited as such for a West End show. The dual crediting is important, she says. “I think it’s a big step for intimacy in the UK. So it’s not inherently: ‘Oh that’s just what a movement director does’ or ‘I’ll just have my fight director have a quick look at this simulated sex non-consensual action".

What is An Intimacy Coordinator - And How Do You Become One?
Refinery 29
"Filmmaking is a very fast process. And first and foremost, the responsibility of an intimacy coordinator is to make sure that levels of safety are high. Which means you have to prioritise safety over creativity. Sometimes you only have 15 minutes to plot the scene, and it is what it is right now. At least they're safe."

Cheaters’ Susan Wokoma praises sitcom’s “non-judgemental” exploration of infidelity
Radio Times
"I've only done one other sex scene in my career and that was like, 'Off you go,'" said Wokoma. "It was pretty embarrassing. And I can't believe that that's kind of been the norm because actually, what having choreography means is you feel braver, actually. It made me braver. I'd lost a lot of inhibition in the process at certain points. It's really safe, and everybody's intentions are good, not weird.""

In profile: five emerging roles in UK film and TV production
"What are the key elements of your role?
Firstly, advocacy for all performers and crew working on a scene with intimacy. Secondly, liaison; intimacy coordinators are like a head of department that works with the director and actors to facilitate their vision. Third is facilitation and choreography; we are trained movement specialists who focus on the physicalisation and storytelling of intimacy. Finally comes safety and consultation. It’s important to highlight that we are not consent or safeguarding officers, but specialists who can advise on safe guidelines that productions can implement."

Share Your Story - Intimacy Coordinator Yarit Dor
ScreenSkills UK
"If you could give advice to someone interested in pursuing your job role, what would you say?
Although the role is very commonly discussed in the press and has a buzz around it, it is demanding both physically, energetically and emotionally since some content can be uncomfortable and knowing your boundaries is important. The role is not solely a support and safety role, it requires many skills of which an important one is movement instruction, movement vocabulary and understanding of anatomy..."
Primetime Feature On Yarit Dor
"In 2017, I started to work as an Intimacy Director in theatre shows and in 2019 I became the first Intimacy Director on the West End (Death of A Salesman starring Wendell Pierce from The Wire). Thus the transition into Intimacy Coordination in TV/film was a natural progression. My first Intimacy Coordination job was Adult Material which recently aired on Channel 4."

Play fighting: On stage fight choreography
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Blog
In this new blog series Fight Director Yarit Dor will reveal how she works with actors to make fight scenes look realistic, whilst keeping everyone safe.

Let’s Talk About Simulated Sex: Intimacy Coordinators Two Years On
The Hollywood Reporter
"I love those moments when you start shooting and the director says, 'OK, I think we got it,' and then everyone, including the actors, starts laughing," says intimacy coordinator Yarit Dor (Carnival Row), who worked in fight and movement direction before training in intimacy. "We're obviously very serious and professional, but there's also a need for that moment of realization that we're playing pretend sex, we're wearing these weird garments on our bits and it's funny. And when you see actors having a bit of a laugh, it just relieves this tension around a very sensitive scene."

Adult Material lead reveals how real life porn star and stuntwoman brought ‘extreme’ sex scenes to life
The Sun
"I never had worked with an intimacy co-ordinator before - these are the most detailed or intimate sex scenes I’ve ever done on screen, and it was brilliant to have Yarit [Dor, intimacy co-ordinator] around," she continued.
"She does stunt work as well, and I liken it to working with a choreographer... her presence in the rehearsals that we did with her before shooting, going into a room together and blocking out each moment.
"And how we were going to shoot them, and the placement of our bodies and even down to the placement of our hands or our foot or our leg… It just allowed a real safety around it."

Actor Joe Dempsie on Adult Material
The Version
“I’ve had sex scenes on almost every job I’ve had recently, and the advent of intimacy coordination has been brilliant. You get time to talk about the scene, the story we’re telling and what we’re comfortable with. But it also provides that buffer between the actors and the director and producer. I’ve had other jobs where you’ve agreed everything, then on set there’s a polite suggestion to show a little more, and in that scenario there’s an entire crew standing around waiting to work....”

Adult Material’s intimacy coordinator: ‘A fantastic actor can make us feel anything’
"That’s largely changed now, says Dor. Adult Material was “an extremely collaborative process in which the actors could give ideas about changing actions … three or four days of brainstorming where they could offer ideas about the scene and try things. At no point did they feel they weren’t part of the process.”

Hayley Squires on Adult Material: 'It was quite a ride'
Culture Whisper
"I had never worked with an intimacy co-ordinator before. These are the most detailed or intimate sex scenes I’ve ever done on screen, and it was brilliant to have Yarit [Dor, intimacy co-ordinator] around... and I liken it to working with a choreographer.
'Her presence in the rehearsals that we did with her before shooting, going into a room together and blocking out each moment, and how we were going to shoot them, and the placement of our bodies, even down to the placement of our hands or foot or leg… It allowed a real safety around it. It meant that when we got on set, we were able to just relax about it and concentrate on the content of the scene. It’s like a dance, in the same way that you have a stunt man for fights.

Hayley Squires on Adult Material: ‘Some women enjoy the performance of sex’
The Guardian
"An intimacy coordinator, Yarit Dor, choreographed the sex scenes."

The Women helping Hollywood shoot safer sex scenes
BBC World
"You are a support system but also part of the creative process, to explore how intimacy as a storytelling tool fits in the story," says Yarit Dor, credited as the first intimacy director in London's West End.
"In theatre, it is a four-week process. In TV and film it has to be much quicker, so you work intensively with the actors before getting to the set," compares Dor.

Interview: Christina Newland talks to intimacy coordinator Yarit Dor, Glasgow Film Festival
Sight & Sound, British Film Institute
"The nature of the job is how the actor wishes to utilise it...it's a bit of a Tennis game between emotional and physical support".

Intimacy Direction In The Time Of Physical Distance
"Dor spoke about this, saying she believes intimacy professionals need to credit directors, stage managers, crew, and other movement practitioners who found strategies of consent and safety before intimacy professionals were created. “It is important to appreciate those who were and still are the support system for so many performers,” ".

Intimacy For Stage: Workshop For Choreographers & Directors in Brussels, Belgium
Podiumkunsten Centre
Led by Yarit Dor and Amanda Cutting for IDI-UK.

Why demand for intimacy coordinators is growing on film and TV shoots
"The role itself “is a new thing, and it takes time for the production to decide, ‘How do we want the intimacy director to be part of this?’” she (Yarit Dor) continued.
Dor underlined the need to include every production department in the conversation, particularly the costume department, where “fittings for modesty garments are often forgotten”.

Rules for screen sex scenes issued to British directors
The Guardian
"Yarit Dor, co-founder of IDI UK (and contributor to the guidelines), said the new guidelines should act as an initial resource for the film and TV industry. “It will help clarify from the beginning what to expect. It’s an initial checklist for directors to look at who will know what they need to take into consideration."

Intimacy coordinators are revolutionising the way sex scenes are made
The F Word
"I discovered my own interest in the coordination of intimacy when directing fight scenes in kitchen sink drama plays. Because the fights often happened between couples, there was a component of attraction. At the end of the day, violence and eroticism both require actors to get into heightened emotional states. My job is to ensure they feel comfortable."

Co-ordinating intimacy: making sex scenes safe
BFI Sight & Sound - 2019 London Film Festival Panel
"An intimacy coordinator is not a therapist. We’re a first port of call… if an actor doesn’t say anything we can’t act on their behalf, it’s about creating that safe space for communication."

#MeToo in de cultuursector: maak een einde aan de zwijgcultuur
Yarit as a founding member of IDI-UK gave a lecture introducing the role of the intimacy director in Antwerp in 2018 as part of a conference on sexual harassment in the performing arts sector.

Intimacy Coordinator - a new role
(Time Out Israel)
"יש פה בעיות של הטרדה מינית, אז חלק מהתפקיד שלנו קשור בלראות איך דברים נעשים בצורה שאיברי המין לא נוגעים אחד בשני, וכמה שפחות מתחככים אחד בשני. זה חלק מהעבודה שאני לא אדבר עליה. יש טכניקות כוריאוגרפיות ויש כל מיני אביזרים שאנחנו משתמשים בהם. זה התפתח הרבה מעבר לגרב על איבר המין, זה כבר לא ממש מה שקורה על הסט".
ימות המשגיח
(Israel Hayom Newspaper)
יערית דור (35) החלה את דרכה כרקדנית בקבוצת המחול הלונדונית של הכוריאוגרפית הישראלית חגית יקירה. בהמשך עברה לשמש במאית קרבות ותנועה בתיאטרון - עד שלאחרונה הפכה לבמאית האינטימיות הראשונה בווסט אנד, כשייעצה לעיבוד של המחזה "מותו של סוכן", שבו כיכב השחקן וונדל פירס ("הסמויה"). לצד עבודתה בתיאטרון היא משמשת מתאמת אינטימיות בהפקות טלוויזיה בריטיות שמצטלמות ברחבי אירופה.

רק בלי לשון
(2019, לאישה Layisha Newspaper)
"צריך להבין שהכוריאוגרפיה האינטימית
היא כמו הסכם שכולל הנחיות לאן הידיים הולכות,
באיזה קצב"
מכיוון שבמאים צריכים לעמוד"
בלוחות זמנים לחוצים ולוודא שיש להם מספיק
חומר ויזואלי, הראש שלהם פעמים רבות נמצא
במקום אחר וזה בהחלט מובן".